The Certified Excellence of Gorilla’s Coffee

When it comes to coffee, not every cup is created equal. The aroma and the flavour are not the only things that set it apart; the quality of every  bean’s quality and the care taken in the production process are equally important. That’s where certifications come in. 

Coffee certifications cover various aspects such as quality, sustainability, health, safety, and people. The certifications and standards achieved by Gorilla’s Coffee are a guarantee of excellence and a sign of our commitment to ensure the safety of our products.

In this guide, learn about the certifications Gorilla’s Coffee holds and their significance.


ISO 22000:2018 Certification 

This is a new international standard that applies to all businesses along the food supply chain, from farm to fork, but in our case it’s farm to cup. A food safety management system (FSMS) must meet the standards of ISO 22000:2018. 

This standard helps businesses plan, manage, and keep their food safety processes up to date, providing customers with safe products. Additionally, it ensures compliance with best practices for food safety, customer expectations, and relevant legal and regulatory obligations. 

The ISO 22000:2018 certification demonstrates Rwanda Farmers Coffee Company’s commitment to coffee safety and quality. This allows us to maintain high standards and an excellent market reputation. The certification also enables Gorilla’s Coffee to effectively manage potential safety hazards in the coffee production, such as contaminants.


HACCP RS 184:2017 Certification

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. The HACCP RS 184 certification indicates that a business or organisation has implemented a food safety management system based on the requirements of the Rwanda Standards Board, the organisation in charge of creating and upholding standards in Rwanda. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points is a systematic approach to identify, evaluate, and control the hazards that may affect food safety.

Achieving the HACCP RS 184:2017 certification means that Gorilla’s Coffee adheres to both international and Rwandan coffee safety standards. This allows Gorilla’s Coffee to identify what can go wrong and plan to prevent it. This practice guarantees strong prevention, detection, and correction of any safety issues in Gorilla’s Coffee products.


Product Quality Certified ‘S’ Mark

When you see a product with the Standardisation Mark (S-Mark), it means the product is certified and meets specific standards and regulations. This mark assures consumers that the product is safe. Having the ‘S’ mark can also make it easier for goods to enter the global market without requiring additional certification tests. 

There are numerous benefits that Gorilla’s Coffee gains for having the Product Certification S-Mark. It removes the need for constant product testing while exporting. Displaying the S-mark on our coffee products also not only sets them apart, but also gives customers confidence they are buying world-class coffee. 


FDA Certification 

When products get the green light from both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority, they earn an FDA Certification from both countries.

Rwanda Farmers Coffee Company premises have met the FDA requirements which brings in significant benefits. Obtaining this certificate ensures the safety, accuracy, and quality of our products which protects consumer health. This, in turn, helps us to establish Gorilla’s Coffee, a brand under RFCC, as a trusted brand in a competitive market, both locally and internally.


Fair Trade Certification 

Coffee farmers are the heartbeat of the coffee industry and produce the majority of the world’s coffee. Fair Trade focuses on certifying coffee cooperatives of small-scale farmers, recognising them as the core of coffee production and community well-being. 

At Gorilla’s Coffee, we’re proud to embrace the Fair Trade certification because it brings much-needed stability to the unpredictable world of coffee pricing. The Fair Trade Minimum Price provides our farmers with a reliable income and protection from sudden drops in prices.

Furthermore, our commitment extends to the Fairtrade Premium, an additional sum of money paid on top of the selling price. This empowers farmers and workers to invest in their business or projects. By actively encouraging smallholder farmers to organise themselves into cooperatives, we also empower them to negotiate better trade terms and reach wider markets.

Overall, the diverse certifications we uphold at Gorilla’s Coffee bring unique meanings and benefits to our commitment to excellence. Going beyond certifications, we also promote innovation, social responsibility, and sustainable practices. This approach not only ensures the quality of our coffee but also reflects our dedication to making a positive impact on both the coffee industry and the communities we engage with. 

At Gorilla’s Coffee, it’s more than just a cup of coffee – it’s a journey of quality, responsibility, and a vision for shared prosperity.

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