Rwanda Farmers Coffee Company and Gorilla’s Coffee products offer specialty-grade, 100% Arabica coffee sourced from Rwandan farmers’ cooperatives, grown in the highlands within the fertile volcanic soil by the shores of the painstaking Lake Kivu.
Gorilla’s Instant Coffee offers a premium coffee experience with 100% pure spray-dried instant coffee powder made from high-quality Rwandan coffee beans. Our instant coffee is available in sachets and jars.

Rwanda Farmers Coffee Company (RFCC) was established in 2014 as a large scale coffee roaster based in Kicukiro, Kigali.

9 Tons
Our roasting facility, the largest in East Africa, has the capacity to roast 9 tons of coffee per day.

A key objective of the business is to add value to local coffee production.

Most coffee exports from Rwanda are in the form of green coffee. RFCC sources top quality arabica beans from six cooperatives, supporting over four thousand Rwandan farmers.

Our specialty grade coffee brands, Gorilla’s Coffee and Rwanda Farmers Coffee Company, are available as whole roasted coffee beans and ground coffee.